Friday, November 4, 2011

When All The Colors Bleed Into One

I took the road less traveled in search of what wasn't to be found on the main roads of life, only to learn that it was the main roads that lead me to the one less traveled.

I learned that all the roads of life are interconnected to bring me to the place that I now stand.

I have traveled millions of miles across the great plains through the burning deserts to the snowy mountain lands.

Every face I have seen, every soul I have felt, every city I have walked, every nature trail I have blazed and every place I have left my mark have all lead me to this.

A sensation of burning fire runs through my fingertips pressing hard into the keys with purpose like a passionate kiss as I sit in bed tonight to write this.

Uninhibited and without censorship I find my fingers unable to keep up with my souls poetic drift.

It was the back roads that lead me to the Light but it was seeing myself in the chaos of the main roads that cradled me during my darkest night.

It's easy to give up when you're afraid to stand up and fight. Maybe it's because we know that with any great love we risk losing our sight.

A sight that never is really lost but only relocated, put off for another time to test us and see if we become jaded.

It's as if my whole life is flashing in front of my eyes on this crisp evening spent in my favorite place in the world.

It's as if this "High Desert" is all for me, my love of the scarcity of life yet the altered state of beauty that is found in the lack of greenery, it feels so damn good!

Pain and heartache is what has driven me to run and suppress my own existence and deny my own passions.

Limbo is the dance done by those who don't fully understand that pain and loss create the opportunity for unconditional love and beauty.

Without all of the hell I would have never known heaven.

The scars on my soul shine brighter when I finally came to know, that it's the challenges of life that drove me to go on the back roads and it was on the back roads where I learned that it was actually the main roads that taught me everything I needed to know.

Ya see, I believe in the Kingdom Come and this is what happens when all of the colors bleed into one. I'm no longer running.

It was You who broke the bonds and loosed the chains and it was I who carried the cross of my shame.

I am no longer lost, I found what I'm looking for and it was right here within me all along.

-Zachary Hill 2011(C)

Written: Big Bear Lake, California 2011

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