Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Selling Our Souls: Divided & Conquered

What does it mean to sell your soul? How could one define the actions of giving your soul over to an energy you oppose?

I believe it's quite simple and yet we make it so complicated. I believe we complicate it to make excuses for our fears that we do not want to admit we have nor that we want to address.

Most everybody is afraid of the powers that be. The government, the corporations, the media, "Hollywood", the "societal norms". We are afraid to step "out of line" from what is perceived to be normal and within this lies the problem.

We are here as a creation of Source, our possibilities are endless and the sooner we embrace that the better off we will be. I hear quite often "Zac, you have a choice in this world, you can do anything." and while I know that is true in my heart about our creation of being human beings, I also know it is not realistic within the realm of the current world under the reign of evil.

Regardless of what new age people and fearmongerers alike(aren't they one in the same?)would like you to believe there is a great evil upon us but it's not to be met with fear yet meet it with as much love and compassion as you can. When diplomacy and resistance do not work then action needs to be taken but in order for action to be taken the humans of this planet have to be educated and awakened to what is going on and then when they are awakened they have to be willing to do something. So what keeps us from dethroning the illuminati and other evil in this world? What keeps most people in place?

Fear and Ignorance.

Those who are scared will not rise to the occasion and those who are not educated or are so brainwashed into believing that evil is not going on behind the scenes or that evil is whatever the truly evil tell people it is cannot see the forest through the tree's and act as such.

America has a major problem right now within itself. Most of us want to keep our eyes shut to what is going on within the world and for those of us that are awake we still want to keep our eyes closed thinking that good will wash away evil and that protesting within the guidelines of the system will be effective.

Good has never come and washed away evil on a global level regardless what fictional religious text may have claimed it to do so. However, history has proven that empires fall and that the only thing that has a chance at changing things is dealing harsh blows to the enemy. The best thing we can do is stop buying into what they offer us. Stop paying your taxes, stop buying their products, stop believing anything they tell you, incarcerate them for the crimes they have commited. These are great ideas but when a popluation has allowed the system to go into such a state beyond repair, something drastic needs to happen.

A radical change in life is truly the only change that is lasting and effective. When someone makes a small change the results are small. What you give out, you get back in regards to these type of dealings.

A lot of human beings cannot keep up with what is going on in the world and are unwilling to handle the shock of radical change. Those less evolved hold back the collective from moving into a world beyond boundaries.

The only laws we should be respecting are the "laws of the jungle" or in better terms not used by George H.W. Bush, the law of the Universe.

People suggest to me that sometimes you have to walk the line or bend your rules to make a difference and while I don't agree with that on an ineffective level(like going to college for paperwork when you are born with your calling and gifts or making excuses for the behavior of the evil people and choosing to stay asleep), I do believe bending the rules and walking the line works for major things of importance, such as the theory of "violence in all hands, embrace it if need be".

When you choose to play in a corrupt system that is run by dark energies you make a contract with the dark energies and you serve them, whether or not you want to make excuses or not believe that it is as simple as that. Dark compromises cannot be any other color. Shit cannot be called sugar.

So, if it's acceptable to detour in the dark constantly and bring light to the dark compromises for meaningless societal based shit within the current system, then it is just as acceptable to use the same dark energies to move the world and human species forward in evolution and not only is it "just as acceptable" it's more so and quite possibly the only level of acceptance.

Dark is dark, light is light and there are no levels of servitude. If taking the life of a person for reasons beyond self defense or self preservation is considered the darkest of behaviors then how do you compare it to sitting by idly for decades and even centuries while the evil people manipulate and deceive, stripping people of their very life essence and ability to see beyond the box? How can you justify logically, intuitively or rationally that acting in violence is a "bad thing" if it can bring about change?

Now, new age people and certain lightworkers would suggest that you cannot bring light with darkness, this is also incorrect. We as human beings weave in and out of the light into darkness and back into the light throughout our lives, there are things we would not learn without doing so. You CANNOT have one without the other, it's a system of balance and it's a Universal system, not a system created by man's ego. You can bring a positive change by using dark actions which I will give examples but first you must understand my "rabid dog theory".

A rabid dog running in the street is beyond healing, is beyond repair and is beyond help to return to it's path. We "put down"(which is a nice way of softening the word "kill")a rabid animal such as a dog if we judge it to be beyond repair and we also incarcerate human beings for a lifetime if we believe them to be beyond repair. Many of these human beings are simply victims of addiction created by the madness of this world and when they are caught for the third time, they are put away for life, this is called the "3rd strike rule" within our man-made system.

If a human being molests a child or murders someone "in cold blood" I do believe they may be able to heal on individual basis' and if our society embraced and wished to assist people with sicknesses such as the desire to murder, rape or molest then we may be able to bring Light to these people before they commit such terrible acts. Instead, we shun them, we shun everything that doesn't fit in the box that the evil people running and creating everything on a major scale say we should shun, we don't have understanding for one another or ourselves and we lack compassion.

If a child molestor or rapist decides to rape a child and brutally torture that child, would you not feel gratitude if someone(be it a police officer or someone else)were to come upon that situation and attempt to interfere and help that child? While in an ideal world I would like to see healing and help for both parties involved, in a spur moment decision I would have to embrace the third party and their decision to interfere on behalf of that young soul BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY! If it was your child being raped and soul stripped, would you not want whatever needed to be done to stop the offender? I would.

I would rather see healing for the offender and I would rather see the offender turn the other cheek and bring light into what they have done and face the music of the karma they have brought into their life but if they were unwilling to release this child from their grip, if they were unwilling to stop harming this then innocent soul, I would embrace whatever tactics needed to stop them, including violence.

Using the example of the child molestor and victimized child I will relate to all of you why I rage and how I feel towards the issue of the world and it is much larger than one offender and one victimized child, it's so much larger.

This planet, it's inhabitants from the human species to the animal kingdom to mother nature and every form of life inbetween play a purpose. I look at this planet and it's inhabitants as my teacher, as a place that should be given reverence, respect and gratitude. This planet, it's beings and truths ARE MY CHILD! Reverence for the parts of nature we destroy, the animals we use for food and clothing and the people that may have to suffer during unfortunate circumstances for survival, it's a very basic Native American-like philosophy of not owning the land, giving thanks to everything that gives its life for us, the essence of life that is consumed so we human beings can thrive, which is greatly error in doing at this current moment, though we are built to thrive.

When career politicians, corporate CEO's from all controlled industries, "dark shadow players"(people whose faces we don't see behind the scenes), Free Masonic Satanic cult whorshippers and all other faces of evil unify together and pull the veil over the face of the rest of the world, the rest of my fellow human species, when they have disrespect for animals through factory farming and using them for useless things such as fur coats. When they rape, pillage and plunder Mother Earth carelessly for their greed driven power profits such as oil, wood, water among other natural resources. When they denounce natural medicines and allow people to die, when they dope up people on "medicine" prescribed by their legal system to help and they make other natural remedies that cure illegal(such as Niacin injections for cancer patients and Stevia being used instead of sugar), when they sell us an idea of what we should be doing and put us in a box, when they send us to one another countries to kill each other for their entertainment and attempt to control commodities amongst themselves and exterminate the poverty population, when they brainwash scared child-like souls with control and often revenge driven issues into "serving their country" or "serving and protecting their community" and use them as disposable weapons against the rest of the poor population, when they harm everything that I love, when they rape every bit of what makes us unique as a species, when they snicker and sneer at the waste they create of animal life and nature life, when they lie to us and beat us down when we step out of line through millions of daily control tactics in every country across this globe, when they seperate the unification of people with imaginary lines, insipid ego driven songs, flags and a meaningless mantras that represent the latest fad or phase of a thing we call a "country", when they divide us amongst our sexual desires, our skin colors, our physical body shape, our reproductive parts given to us by a creator that they too came from, when they denounce doing what is good and having gratitude, reverence and compassion for the sacrifices of others be they human, animal or Mother Earth, when they do all this and more...when they do it...

...when they do it simply because they want to control, destroy, harm, manipulate and tear us from our true potentials as a species, as a living planet, as a one world community unified, there is no other way to put it than their behavior being downright evil, no way around it. If the things listed above are not the greatest crime ever commited, the biggest deception ever birthed, the greatest lie of all time, the true face of evil...then we are all existing in a world without purpose, which I refuse to believe and why? Because WE CAN FEEL. Some of us deeper than others.

When they take everything we have, all of our possibilities away and do not want to relinquish power the Light has to be brought in and just like the intervention used against the child molestor to save the already traumatized child, sometimes the same energy they use has to be enforced to shift the tide. The idea of us not revolting by any means we can is a fear tactic they instilled in us through morality.

Morality is an illusion. It is a creation of the illuminati to benefit their personal gain. They use it to keep us feeling guilty and in check. Our intuition is the only true compass and that compass seem's to guide with wherever we are looking to go.

If we are unaware I believe our inner compass guides us towards the Light and making positive choices that lift the vibration of our own existence and the world around us but once we are awakened to the powers of Light and dark we can make choices and things become complex. We are not perfect and it is unfortunate when people of integrity that follow their heart into the Light are forced to resort to acts of darkness or cruelty but it does happen to millions worldwide on a day to day basis.

So my point is, if we embrace dark choices for our benefit or the benefit of others at times, if we use that energy to balance our Light in order to "play the system" and learn how to work within it. Then why don't we do what it takes to move towards a truly better tomorrow. A tomorrow that no other has brought before us, a tomorrow that the baby boomers did not bring in the 60s and 70s, a tomorrow that every third world country has been unable to bring to itself, a tomorrow of self governance, a tomorrow that embraces both the Light and dark aspects of people, that brings awareness to the powers of both sides and lets people choose which to embrace, a tomorrow that knows the truth...

A truly awakened and enlightened person cannot embrace the darkness as their path, only one with Light in their heart knows the true meaning of being awakened and enlightened. They also know that we sometimes have to reroute for better things to come, we have to use that darkness for good, we have to stop evil in it's tracks and we have to learn to allow the flow to come to us. We talk about "letting go and letting God" but WE ARE GOD. We are the very Source of power that guides us, we are connected into all of that, we are not alone and each of us can use it for betterment of oneself, others and this planet/galaxy, even the illuminati that carries the darkness has a choice, but they may be beyond repair.

I know why I was put here, to explore. I am an explorer that has been blessed with a gift of incredible power of perception, knowledge, the ability to "sponge" all that is around me and process it and I have been given the incredible gift of expression through photography, music, being a visionary and idealist but most of all I was given the gift to write about what I experienced while on this planet in this incarnation of "Zac" with all six senses. We all have our gifts, each and every one of us and the sooner we get past every lie they tell us, as soon as we get past feeling that we can never step outside the lines, as soon as we accept that dark can be used for light(and in an actual manner that is effective)then we can know ourselves for what we truly are for the first time, we can know this world and the essence of our existence as we never have known it before...we can truly LIVE and PROSPER and we can then guide our incredibly lost "world leaders" to the same Light we have discovered and be their example.

"What is a bad man but a good man's job? What is a good man but a bad man's teacher?"

I want to be understood and usually never feel understood because I find myself evolved beyond the "veil of illusion" and it's largely because I chose to ask the questions. But I want to state flat out that even in all my rage, anger and resentment I do not endorse violence as a first resort and if anything, the idealist in me wishes it never has to happen and wishes that it never did happen in the past no matter how far back you go but I also observed history and learned that there are desperate times and measures that come up in life and that we have sat by idly for so long that now is the time to act while momentum is here.

I pray, hope and wish this revolution will happen and that it will be peaceful and non-violent but I do not believe that it will happen on the level it needs to nor do I believe it will be non-violent. We've done this before and it's not a matter of IF we will do it again..because we already are.

This is what happens when someone discovers their Light, value, true power and integrity, it's all of the emotions of spirit I express.

What we see in the world is what happens when those who hold the Light or those who are lost like cattle in between are guided by deceptive and manipulative evil every moment of every day.

Good intentions, holding our Light and praying to ourselves is not enough, we need to own our power! Intention is only half the battle, action is the other half and we are the force of creation we call God. It may only take one voice or one individual to birth an idea from the Source but it takes a mass majority to enact and enforce it successfully. Quit thinking the power is too big to change because it isn't. I will say that making them hear us is not enough because they have already factored in the actions we are taking. They have factored in that we will probably revolt but they haven't factored in that we may be able to have a mass awakening, what would they do if the majority of us said "no more". There wouldn't have to be much bloodshed if any and if there was it'd only be of those who will not give up the flame. Let them be the ones to die for what they believe in instead of all of us if it has to come to that. We are bigger than they allow us to be.

Don't you want to see this in your lifetime? Don't you want this for your children and the generations to come?

The evil dark energies and people have found a way to divide us from everything that we truly are therefore they have conquered us.

This is what causes us to sell our souls and it doesn't have to be this way but many factors keep us in the dark so as long as fear and ignorance reign, we will never know peace in this world, to our fullest extent within ourselves and we will always have to compromise which is just another way of saying...

Selling our souls. We have been divided and we have been conquered, now let's do whatever it takes to change it!

-Zachary Hill 2011(C)

Written: Quartzsite, Arizona 2011

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