Friday, October 28, 2011

Amazing Grace

"..I once was lost but now am found..."

As I sit on this couch I yet again have a revelation. I once believed that 2011 was just going to be a year for me to clear my karma, ascend from darkness and manage myself the best I can through the ups and downs. In many ways it has been all of that but what all of that has lead to is the concept of owning my personal power and wearing the skin I was put here to wear. Today during the exorcism a fellow lightworker sang "Amazing Grace" and when he reached the line in the song "I once was lost but now I'm found" my intuitive clairaudience received the words "Step Up". Tonight I was sitting on the couch and having a Facebook chat with a friend who said the following to me when expressing my gratitude for the opportunities of spiritual ascension I acquired while spending time with them earlier this year.

"the blessing has truly gone both ways! Thanks! You are so insightful!"

As I read that line my intuitive clairsentience received the following message from Source..

"You sought the path and followed it. You received the guidance, much of which came through others who helped you embrace and see your own personal power. What is most important though Zac, is that those who lifted you were able to see your gifts during your darkest hour when you once were lost but you are now found, where you once couldn't see your own potential, you now view yourself through eyes that shine from the Light. Own Your Power.....Own Your Power."

The first thing that came to my logical mind when I received this insight was my friend Angela telling me this spring how she could see me speaking to people and having a prescence of power to effect the lives of many with positive energy and change while I was at what seemed to be the peak of my darkest hour.

The next thing that came to me was the confidence I had in myself to live the life I had imagined when I moved out to California this past winter. It struck me that a large part of the attraction Sara and I had to one another was based on personal power. I projected confidence and Light intentions which she was drawn to. I was drawn to her for the same reasons every one of my loved ones were drawn to me and believed in me. I saw the best in her while she was in her darkest hour and to finally recognize that brings a sense of maturity, gratitude and peace.

Lastly, the words of all of those who have loved me when I wasn't able to love myself have lifted me so high. Every single person that has spoken kind words to me over the years, but most of all this year I have always been grateful for what they have had to say but it has taken a long battle within myself and with my ego to be able to accept those loving words without feeling guilty to be the wonderful, powerful and creative rebel I am! I would love to list each person who has helped lift me this year and in years past and each person who has recognized my Light within the darkness I was at one point stuck in but all of those people know who they are and if you are reading this and you aren't sure if that means you, chances are it does. Some of you are still in my life, others are not but I have gratitude and love for every single person I have been assisted with from those who have shown nothing but love to those who have been patient with me to those who have hurt me and blessed me with the opportunity to learn about forgiveness, the only remedy to a wounded loving heart.

My horoscope told me that somewhere around November 2011 I would be "feeling the love" and as we get closer to November, I have to admit that I am feeling it. It's become more of a knowing than a feeling. The thing I found the most amazing in all of these revelations I had today was that even in my darkest moment I was much stronger than I ever would have thought. I had to make a choice which means I had to own the responsibility of anything that came my way this year when I made the choice to attack my demons head on and face them which was the hardest decision and sticking out the course of it was even harder.

In 2011 I set out for a new adventure and for the last time "went West young man".

In 2011 I learned what it was like to deal with guilt over the most shameful act I had ever found myself involved with.

In 2011 I learned to be okay with asking for help not only from the Creator but also from other human beings.

In 2011 I learned to allow myself to have unrestrained intimacy incorporated with blunt honesty in a relationship where I finally allowed myself to fall fully in love with no reservations.

In 2011 I learned how to work through the feelings of loss and heartbreak with a lover on a level deeper than ever because of the chance I took with not restraining myself as I had done so with the other relationships in the past.

In 2011 I learned to forgive. I learned how to forgive a lover that let go of a divine connection with so many signs of it's divinity attached to it. I learned to do my best to not stay resentful, disgusted or judgemental towards them...of course I was all three but in the end, letting go was what brought me peace. I learned to forgive my father for the way he conducted himself much of the time when I was a child but also found gratitude in the things he did do with integrity. I learned how to forgive myself for the shameful things I had done, for the expectations I had put on other people along with the judgements of their decisions and most of all I learned how to forgive myself for being human.

In 2011 I learned how to love. I fell in love, I learned who my true soul family members are and how to love them for who they are, I learned to love myself..flaws and all!

In 2011 I learned that the Light overcomes darkness but only when the Light is allowed to come in and the desire to retain the darkness is let go.

Most importantly in 2011, I learned...

Love & Gratitude. <3

-Zachary Hill 2011(C)

Written: Big Bear Lake, California 2011


  1. Your blog is looking so nice! It's November, Are you feelin' the love!? I am =) Happy trails sweet soul!

  2. I didn't even see you posted anything until now! It is November. Feelin' the Love indeed! =:) Many blessings beautiful!
