Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The 99%: A New Paradigm

Today was a game changer for me, after playing the credit card and credit score game since I turned 17 I finally made the call and told them I wouldn't be able to pay this months payment. The phone call went something like the following...

Me: "I'm sorry, I cannot pay this months payment nor do I know when I will be able to make another payment. What happens now?"

Chase Banker(from some middle eastern country): "Do you have any kind of income? Disability? Unemployment?"

Me: "No, nothing. I'm essentially homeless."

Chase Banker: "You're authorized for a CREDIT LINE INCREASE, would you like to increase your credit limit, sir?"

Me: "*Long Silence*....uhh, are you serious?.."

Chase Banker: "It's showing that you qualify for a credit line increase, are you interested, sir?"

Me: "I cannot pay and don't know when I will be able to, is this a joke?"

Chase Banker: "No, sir."

Me: "No, but thanks anyway."

Chase Banker: "Are you interested in re-applying for Chase reward points?"

Me: "No *wondering if she processed me telling her I cannot pay yet*"

Chase Banker: "I can transfer you to our hardship department but they may close your account, is that ok?"

Me: "Absolutely."

Afterwards I was transferred to an American account specialist who told me they couldn't do much for me(which I knew would be the case, they can take our money but can't do much else for us). What I learned in all of this mess and this being the second time I've carried a debt but this time with interest and the inability to pay for the first time is to not play the systems game, period. I built up a reputable credit score of 750 because I was doing what society told me was right and when I needed to cash in on my credit score for more credit or loans I was given a BS loan percent of 36%(thats what they give people with bad credit, mine is excellent)and denied more credit(for the first time after 20 something cards over the past 7 years).

I was able to find my higher self and passion on the road over the past 4 years and afford my travels because...

A. I busted my ass at soul stripping corporate jobs and saved my money.(If I were to go back to make more of this money my stripped soul would need another 4 years on the road to realign and find itself again)

B. I used my credit responsibly only when I tried to go back to Corporate America after stepping on the spiritual path I found that I couldn't, then after the Great Depression 2 hit hard in 2009 I found myself unable to be ambitious about making money yet I still payed all of my debts on time, in full and with 0% interest.

I will pay the money I owe Chase and Citi but I refuse to do soul stripping work or take money out of my pocket to survive or thrive, paying them is my last priority and taking care of myself is first. They have done nothing to help the American people and have only taken from them unjustly. Upon clearing my credit debts I refuse to do further business with banking institutions. This includes credit cards, loans, financing of any kind, checking and savings accounts.

Logically, they fucked us all over and they charge way too much interest and do not help the people.

Intuitively, I do not trust any of them, not one bit.

Spiritually, I feel responsible to pay my debts to them to keep with my integrity, regardless of how dirty and evil they have decided to play, regardless of the fact they have taken both my income tax money and sales tax money to give to their criminal friends in the Corporate Government but after they are paid, I wash my hands of the banking system until some integrity is brought to the banking system(and I'm not convinced that will ever happen, though anything is possible).

This comes from one soul who is doing their best to align with spirit and the Light suggests that I do what I can to go off and stay off the grid after clearing my debts. The banking industry is run by evil, why would I involve myself with them?

The best we can do in "the greatest country in the world" is encourage people to follow the system that is in place which keeps people from following their intuition and therefore MAKING THE WORLD A TRULY BETTER PLACE? It encourages us to work for low wages or just go to an institution of higher learning to make more money but buy the debt of the education first, in times older but wiser than ours people were called to their life's work, it wasn't something that was sold like it is nowadays to college students. Sadly, between doing soul stripping work and living on credit I was able to follow a lot of my dreams as a young adult but now the gas tank is running dry and though I'm grateful to have been able to do it(grateful to the Universe), there has to be a better way to get people to the places they are called to be on a physical, emotional, spiritual, mental and societal level. What is next for us?

The "American Dream" was, is and always will be a lie.

Consumerism has got us where we are.

My parents generation was bought cheap by consumerist corporate America.

My generation and those after me are following in the footsteps of our parents decisions and will have to pay for the mistakes of those before us and unless we change, we will pass it on to our children.

Would this world not be better off driven by Spirit rather than ego?

This is our time of realizing our karma and doing something about it as individuals and as a world.

America is a young country of old ideas, America needs to flow with it's natural evolution or it will die off. If America refuses to evolve, then let it die so something better and more aligned with the Light can take it's place.

This IS spiritual warfare.

What side are you on?

I dream of a world where the 1% and 99% are able to accept their place together to complete the whole of 100%. Karma will balance, it always does.

I am (we are) the 99%.

Written: San Jose, California 2011

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