Sunday, October 9, 2011

OCCUPY: San Jose

Today I decided to take a stroll down to city hall in San Jose, California for the on going "Occupy San Jose" rally.

200 E. Santa Clara St.
San Jose California

I was there during a very quiet moment more or less for protesting but we still had the horns of the cars honking as they passed by along with people on bicycles and on foot asking questions and even a reporter interviewing us.

There were firetrucks, city buses, gang bangers in their lowriders, people in BMW's, souped up Mustangs, mini vans, company trucks, lots of vehicles transporting people from all walks of life honking at the Occupy San Jose movement in support.

A professor from the local college was unable to spend time in support of the movement because he had too many papers to grade so instead he decided to buy each and every protestor that wanted a burrito from the local Mexican restaurant "El Sabroso" across the street from city hall to show his support of the "Occupy Together" movement. I refused a burrito but later went in there after a few hours of protesting and realized that the burritos were going for nearly $6 and while that is not a bad price for a burrito(and they were good!)it does add up to buy roughly 40 people a meal. I felt it to be a good gesture of the human heart and it was much appreciated from the protestors.

I personally stood on the intersection of Santa Clara and 5th for about 2 hours and waved at the supporters as they drove by honking. We did not have any interaction with the police while I was there and though there have been threats to arrest protestors who are camping overnight, that hasn't seemed to stop anybody from doing so and no arrests have been reported. Some say "Police are part of the 99% too", I figure we have to find a way to get them on our side sooner or later!

I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and have been considering going again a few times until I leave San Jose. I am interested in checking out the other "Occupy Together" movements in other places across the World(yes, it has spread to the UK, Canada and even Africa!!)and United States. From small towns to the major cities there are people uprising that are fed up with the Corporate Government and it has become clear after seeing people from all walks of life honking at us in support, the CG doesn't have very many friends to turn to anymore.

The revolution has begun...

Written: San Jose, California 2011

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