Monday, August 15, 2011

Light It Up!

Just got back from my road trip up to South Dakota(via Nebraska and Wyoming)and also coming back from my 2 week-ish spiritual sabbatical. I feel refreshed and re-aligned!

I have had a few days to myself here in Denver which has given me some time to mull over my events this year. What a crazy fuckin' year!!!

This tumultuous adventure started mid September last year and with one year since then being only one month away I have reflected on all this chaos and can say "THANK GOD THE ENERGY IS SHIFTING AGAIN!!!" I knew this year would be a chaotic one but I didn't realize to what level.

I went from ending the life I knew for 23 years in Illinois to finally moving out West staying with a friend in Cali who used to be my landlady in Arizona back in '08 to moving into a 21 year old van(not down by the river)and heading off into the Arizona desert to see mi amor for a few weeks only to no longer share amor with mi amor to heading up to a small island in the Puget Sound of Washington where I met someone in person that was a friend from Youtube and even was invited to Easter breakfast to heading back down to see my friend in Cali AGAIN and then back over to Arizona where I wrapped up some personal shit and then off to Colorado to reconnect with yet another friend whom I met in South Dakota which is where I was just at a few days ago for the fourth time!

What a fuckin' year! =:D

So now I sit on a semi-comfy leather couch in my friends apartment in Denver wondering to myself "dude, what's next?". I am excited to step back onto the white light path after a long needed break. Part of what is next will involve making large amounts of CASH but also doing so by doing something spiritually rewarding. The van days are over and it's in my best interest to vagabond van-less in the near future I believe, ultimately working towards a Toyota RV. Now if I could get summer in the rocky mountains of Colorado(not Denver though) and winter in Cali's high desert with annual stops in Utah and Arizona while going from place to place that would be WONDERFUL! =:D

I'm filled up with gratitude and a new found attitude. The revelation that struck me over the past 2 days is that I get pissed easily and when the dark energies do things to those I love in attempt to hurt me it's in my best interest to hurt them back, who said revenge has to be a dark act? Hit 'em where it hurts! I am starting to realize more my own personal powers, capabilities and destiny. Dark energies understand my potential to throw a wrench in their plan so since they know they can't recruit me anymore they've been trying to beat my ass down and get me to submit to the darkest of the dark behaviors and in all honesty, they have come very close this year. One thing they didn't expect perhaps is just how much they've managed to annoy and piss me off. They've taken a lot from me, a lot of things I care(d) about and I feel like it's time to answer the call I have been too scared to take. After feeling like I had lost so much throughout my childhood and teenage years, losing Sara coupled with seeing all of my soul family members stepping out of the woodwork this past year to support and love me in their own respective ways has filled me with a loving gratitude that I cannot describe in words and also has ignited a passionate fury to destroy all things dark in a world covered in dark times.

The darkness has not only fucked with me on and off for the past 24 years but has also coveted, manipulated, raped and destroyed many people whom I love and care about and as I realize that the people who hurt me were only acting as a vehicle for this evil energy it takes a lot of the anger off of them and redirects it toward the source of the dark energy. With a new found passion to light up the darkness and a fading fear of it's seduction and deceptive ways I feel like things are about to get interesting.

I now understand and know why the darkness has always attempted to recruit me and has even come close while using me as a vehicle at times. The darkness showed me just how powerful I was and showed me my ability to create for it's purpose and destroy for it's purpose and just how intense and strong my energy is, it did not however show me my option as to what I could do with the strength of my personal power and personal energy. The issue at hand now is much like a person born into slavery or someone who has finally seen the forest through the tree's. The taste of freedom from the bondage of darkness' seduction and control, I've got a little and now I want more.

What happens when a dark worker realizes their own personal power within the dark energy?
The darkness never shows you any other option, it never let's you know that you have a choice.

What happens when a dark worker has an intervention with the light?
The purity of the light overpowers all of the seductions of the dark when truly experienced.

The most dangerous question one can ask that threatens the very existence of the dark energies power is...

What happens when a soul get's a taste of the light, realizes that they can choose to serve the light's purpose instead and that the reward is much greater by doing so? What happens when that soul no longer fears the dark energy? What happens when the darkness no longer appeals to that soul? What happens when the passion ignites to spread the light to as many others as possible?..

...What happens when one soul recognizes itself when the light shines into it's own heart, when that soul see's itself in every other soul, when those soul's recognize each other unified and the mission they are here to complete is put into motion, what then happens to the dark energies and entities?..


I've learned and experienced a lot this year. Much Love, Gratitude and Respect to those whom have shined their light on me when I needed it most during this dark night of the soul. I finally see the dawn arriving, I see beyond the road I'm driving. You all know who you are.

I Love You.

-Zachary <3 =:)

Written: Denver, Colorado 2011

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