Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Land of the Unconscious

A few observations have been made since my return to the land of the unconscious last night. These observations come in form of culture shock and the energy of the land and people.

Anybody who knows me well knows that I've never had any love for Joliet or Chicago or any part of Illinois or the midwest for that matter and guess what? Not much has changed about that with one small exception. It's worse than I remember it being but not as unbearable. I believe it's a testimony to my growth.

I spent the first 16 years of my life in the ghetto of Berwyn(a few miles outside of Chicago)and the following 8 years(minus travel)in Joliet. To say the least the majority of my life has been spent/wasted in Illinois.

My parents picked me up at Midway airport last night around 1030PM and immediately I noticed a few changes. I would like to break this down into sections of the four realms of the human experience with that being spiritual, physical, emotional and mental in regards to my observations of Joliet and this region in general.


On a spiritual level the energy here strikes me worse than ever although I am managing it better than I ever have. I feel a constant darkness and dark cloud following me wherever I go within this city. If energy could be seen with the five sensory eye I would be willing to bet the streets and open corn fields of this city would be radiating negativity like a blurred heat wave that comes off the blacktop on a hot summer day in the desert. Joliet doesn't get a piece of the cake when it comes to major suckage, it takes the whole fuckin' cake! From the constant buzzing that never stops anywhere I go to the horrible vibration and instant stress/intensity in the air and all around this place has one of the lowest vibrations of any place I have ever been. I have learned to repel this kind of stuff more so over the past year but I have to say that if I, or any other person in touch with their spirituality and their own personal energy were to live here for any length of time it would become very wearing. Since I've been here I've felt constantly tired(especially in the black hole that is my parents house), angsty, stressed and like I'm existing on auto pilot. A spiritual life in Joliet is about as vibrant and alive as a dead person buried six feet under. This town and region has no pulse but plenty of dark ugly things swimming in it's magnetic and energetic field.


What a shithole! It's humid summers are sticky and the winters are long and bitterly cold. The taxes are high and the scenery sucks. I notice now more than I ever have just how bad Joliet is to interact on a physical level with. The people are RUDE, negative, unhappy and something new I noticed they do not appear to be the most intelligent either. I thought back on this today and realized that over the years every person I have ever asked the following question to has never answered Illinois or Joliet.

"Where would you like to live?"

In California, Arizona, Colorado, Oregon, Washington state, etc most people seem to be happy if not nearly everybody with where they live be they transplants or natives to those places. I come to this hellhole and everyone I recall in the past and everyone I spoke with today wants to live somewhere else. Big surprise? I think not.

Joliet is a town that is trying too hard to fit in with all of the clicks. On the northwest side we have all of the yuppie khaki wearing fuckers in their cookie cutter houses with identical children and identical mini van's and sadly they don't pull off the yuppie thing quite as well as the folks in Colorado do. Colorado yuppies at least value nice scenery! The south side is full of rednecks and country bumpkins but they don't even do it as well as the folks in Arizona. Many are loud and obnoxious drunks/stoners and live in a small reality. The west side is mostly middle class full of raging angry blue collar men who were largely union tradesmen that have lost their jobs but they were just as pissed before as they are now. Their wives work in offices answering phones or at the local grocery store and I'd be hard pressed to find a pulse in these people. The east side is full of ghetto fuckers who are proud to be from "J-Town", they say J-Town as if it's some big fucking deal, I'd like to see them try to pull that shit in Chicago, they'd be picking their teeth up off the floor. The "minorities" in the western USA are overall pretty friendly and are pretty unfriendly here(which I forgot about). I spent the whole day around Joliet today going to various places and noticed an underlying current of misery and unconsciousness. Sad, truly sad. Did I mention warehouse after warehouse, shopping center after shopping center and chemical plant after chemical plant?

MENTALLY: Joliet will fuck with your mind if you're a sensitive person weather you are aware of it or not. It's has a dark energy to it that deceives and the people have a tendency to get stuck. You may laugh or think I'm joking when I say that Joliet is a black hole that takes and takes and takes but it's true. Being here I automatically have to work harder to shield and save my energy from the negative vibrations and after time it becomes wearing but most people don't notice it and since most people live in the physical and five sensory realm only they only see the "wonderful" Louis Joliet Mall or other shopping centers after shopping centers scattered out in this former corn field hell. I have noticed that probably about 85% of the population of Joliet is low vibration, stuck and negative so it's no surprise I ended up in that situation over the years.

EMOTIONALLY: Numb. Just numb. Numb is the best word I can use to describe the emotion of Joliet. It's default emotion seems to be anger and resentment but many that I have encountered usually suppress those emotions so it transforms into a town of bottled up and numbed anger and resentment.

Living in Joliet is the ultimate example of the "American Dream". How someone can be so brainwashing and controlling to sell you a pile of shit for every penny you have and somehow tell you it's a goldmine! Joliet has most of the modern conveniences and all of the modern inconveniences you could want or not want.

I have been here not even 24 hours quite yet but I am already ready to leave. However, I want to make sure my parents get out of here because I know how easy it is to get stuck and keep coming back to this place. I am using a lot of the tools and things I have acquired and learned this past year to repel the negativity both on the property I'm staying on and in the town/state itself. Joliet is a good place to come if you live somewhere gorgeous or that has wonderful energy and you will instantly be grateful for this not being your home yet at the same time you may feel bad for the unconscious folks who both spiritually and experience-wise don't know that there are MUCH better vibrations and places to experience and be. Coming back to Joliet has reminded me just how much work needs to be done to light up the world and in one of it's darkest holes I have personally visited and resided.

The best advice I can give to any person living in Joliet, Chicago or the great lakes midwest populated areas is to make a decision based on the following question and act on it!

"Atlantic or Pacific? East coast or West Coast?"

With no joking in my tone, WAKE UP AND GET OUT BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!! A persons spirit can only evolve so much in a place like this and sadly I've watched too many intuitive and creative people lose themselves with the time they spent here. I've been told many times before that "you can be happy anywhere", "bloom where you're planted", "it's not the place it's you" and while all of those statements hold *SOME* truth I don't fully agree or even agree with the majority of those statements. You do what you have to do but first ask yourself "If I don't have to suffer then why should I?"

Always know that sometimes a person needs to change inside but it isn't always you that needs to change, sometimes it's your surroundings that need to change. A change of surroundings often leads to changes within. Needless to say change can be a good thing and Joliet is a prime example of a place where the more things change the more they stay the same. Welcome to the land of the unconscious.

***I am pleased to have returned here to experience and write about this, I find it more and more to do with my lifes purpose and I am able to function better now being able to see this place for what it is from a place of clarity and neutrality. For those people who feel stuck in places like Joliet I hope to offer my insight and perspective on places that may work for them and how to get out of places that have a heavy and intense low vibration that clouds them up. I believe part of the reason I was called to travel on the path of spirit is so I can offer "Intuitive Energetic Relocation Coaching". Let the fun begin!!***

Written: Joliet, Illinois 2011

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