Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Sailor in The Storm

A long journey from the burning deserts below the young sailor of the cement highway learns to roll with the tide

Pulling into the port of an island he knows nothing about on a dark and rainy night in early spring he knows not what lies ahead

As the tsunami's crash on the shore much like within his soul he anchors down for the long stay ahead only to realize just how worn out he is and that his boat needs the same sojourn

He discovered this island by corresponding with A Light house on it's shores as if he has been guided to it's safehaven

This sailor, fairly new to the waters of the world has fought the waves and rolled with the tides always setting a course but always ending up at a different destination than expected

The sailor learns that the tsunami's of life are also the same waters that produce the calm beauty of gorgeous waves and finds some sense of peace within that

For now he will continue to heal himself and ready his ship for it's next voyage when the waters yet again calm

Written: San Juan Island, Washington 2011

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