Friday, June 3, 2011

Oh Canada: The Island Within(Part 2)

Another day in Canada.

Nanaimo, BC: After my last update I decided to get a bite of poutine to eat! Upon returning I realized that I had left my headlights on so I decided to head back into the Starbucks and ask the girl there if she could give me a jump start(I have jumper cables)and she gladly agreed. 3 minutes and $20 US dollars later my van was running again. She offered to do it as a kind act of humanity, I gave her $20 US(ya know, since Canada is a 3rd world country far beneath the US...oh wait their dollar is worth more than ours! So maybe I gave her like $3 Canadian?...hmm)and told her to pay it forward and thanked her for her help.

The Drive to Tofino,BC: The ride from Nanaimo to Tofino rapidly grew gorgeous about half way through. The moss, yellow flowers, PNW greenery and MOUNTAINS appeared and brought a smile to my tired soul and face! I arrived in Tofino at night attempting to find a place to park I decided to stop for dinner at a young hip restaurant/bar. After getting online and searching with no luck I decided to hit up a campground that was right on the beach to the pacific ocean. The campground cost was $44 CAN though I had the choice to just drive out(and considered doing so)I decided against that and (now looking back at it)like an idiot decided to put it on my already overcharged credit cards, damn my integrity! On the way to Tofino I encountered 2 black bears standing on the side of the road staring at me though I was unable to get a good picture because of the overcast weather and crappy camera. I believe this was my first encounter with a bear of any kind in the wild(believe it or not!), though I can't be certain. After parking at the campground I decided to use the coin operated showers and to my surprise they were more expensive and far worse than the 25 cent ones in Friday Harbor. One loonie(a.k.a $1 coin)for about a minute and a half...maybe 2 minutes, tops! Luckily enough a girl I had approached for change(since I only had quarters and this machine only took loonies)warned me about the short time on the showers so I washed my hair in the sink beforehand. HA!

The following morning I departed the campground and headed toward the beaches of Parks Canada's "Pacific Rim National Park Reserve" which was gorgeous, though it was raining and overcast in some ways it added to the mystery of the pacific northwest. Lush greenery met with giant sand beaches with high waves and at least 20 surfers in wetsuits catching the high tide!

While walking on the beach I realized after 3 long years of traveling I discovered the high I get from a nice sojourn in nature. It combines the grounding elements of the Earth connected with the highs of Heaven meeting in the center and using me as a vehicle of BALANCE! While I do enjoy being high it usually gets dragged down by worldly drama and I find it hard to hold a high for long. Being grounded is only good when in a good emotional/spiritual spot.

Coming to Canada has proved to be incredibly expensive and incredibly beneficial. I'm a little disappointed to be returning to the states so soon but it feels right to do so, I have business to tend to and a van that appears to be falling apart(grrr!).

I am at the McDonalds right by the ferry, awaiting for my noon departure(however I will arrive early for my impending interrogation and vehicle tossing by our lovely US customs assho....oops...I almost didn't address them properly..agents!)

Catch you next time when I'm back stateside, AYE!

Written: Sidney, British Columbia, Canada 2011

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