Friday, April 22, 2011

Love Is...

Love is the Essence of Life
Love is Living
Love is Alive
Love is Forgiveness
Love is Compassion
Love is Understanding
Love is Tears Released
Love is Self Acceptance
Love is Accepting Others
Love is Patience
Love is a Ray of Light
Love is Powerful
Love is Essential
Love is Our Natural State of Being
Love is Oneness
Love is Balance
Love is Joy
Love is Beautiful
Love is Nature
Love is You
Love is Me
Love is Cleansing
Love is Able to Move Mountains
Love is Giving
Love is Receiving
Love is Sharing
Love is a Warm Look
Love is a Smile
Love is a Tight Embrace
Love is Allowing
Love is Acceptance
Love is Divine

Love is...

...all that really matters in the end.

What is Love to you?..

-Zachary Hill

Happy Earth Day!!! =:)

Written: San Juan Island, Washington 2011

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