Thursday, March 31, 2011

Greetings From The Island

After a long hellish and surprising week I'm back with some ass-kickin things to talk about! Or maybe who knows?

I'm writing this from Friday Harbor, Washington on the San Juan Islands. I'm on top of a mountain that is largely submerged in the Pacific Ocean, how cool is that?

More importantly I've been moving around like a mad man this past month. I went from Phoenix Arizona all the way to get the point!

As my astrological insights suggested this year is full of introspection, family-values and home-life issues and boy has it been so far!

I find myself sitting in front of yet another wood burning stove, on top of another magical mountain, in another magical place, spending time with more magical people! Look at all this magic my life has given me in recent months!!!

My time in Big Bear feels like years ago, my time in Phoenix feels like a month ago(has it really been a week?), my time in Portland feels like a week ago and I feel like time is moving incredibly fast!

I have spent a lot of my time reading, driving, praying, looking within, working with my Oracle Cards, pendulum and crystals.

Last night I "landed" on San Juan Island off the coast of Washington state. I followed my intuition to this place which is home to someone I met on Youtube a few years ago, Angela.

Angela has been kind enough to let me park the van on her property and snooze along with offering me tea, soup and interesting conversation! Angela did the road-life thing for quite a while and has surrounded her home and life in the white light, needless to say I've enjoyed my stay so far!! I spent most of the day talking with her mother, watching her and her mother interact with her two beautiful daughters and providing a home environment that I would recommend to any parent!(Not to mention there's a bunch of cool cats here!)

Where will tomorrow take me? I haven't a clue(though I have a lot of intuitive hits that suggest what the future may have in store!)..all I know is that I've been on the white light path since last December and I have been ascending little by little yet at the same time by leaps and bounds!

I have been sending loving energy, prayers and healings to some of you which whom I believe need it most, if you're thinking "is he referring to me?", chances are that I am.

"In the end what matters most is

How well did you live
How well did you love
How well did you learn to let go"

I'm learning about all those things, they all seem to interconnect with one another.

God, guide me safely into the next dawn, watch over me while I rest in the night.


-Zachary <3

Written: San Juan Island, Washington 2011

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Oregon Trail

I am at the BlueStone coffee house in Grants Pass, Oregon on a rainy Saturday afternoon(town has great energy!). After a few day drive through the awful Illinois-like central valley of California and the horrid down pull of negative energy for 50 miles in all directions of Mount Shasta(so much so my feet were tingling painfully while passing through)I arrived in Oregon yesterday afternoon and now I am asking for guidance for the next step in the process of clearing my karma and stepping on the white light path! While in Phoenix I learned quite a few valuable lessons about myself and started to rise from the ashes like I was meant to do while being down there, leaving Phoenix has allowed me to rise even further.

On the way here I lost a hubcap but have gained more clarity about myself and my faith is being tested, along with my intuitive knowing. I trust my knowing more now than I ever have, I trust in the Universe more than I ever have and yet I look to trust more, to have my true purpose revealed and I believe I know a little bit of what that is.

My time with Sara down in Phoenix was overall pleasant and proved useful. I look at it with more clarity today and realize that I wouldn't expect anything less than stellar, mind blowing and deeply soul impacting when it comes to the connection and relationship we share.

I've been praying and asking for signs to guide me where I need to go next, both within and on the road. Portland keeps coming up over and over so it's a huge possibly, in fact the girl at the coffee shop was talking about it while I ordered my tuna sandwich.

I love no state sales tax and not having to pump my own gas! Having a gas station pump guy gives me the opportunity to talk with somebody else and further my experience on this planet.

For the first time in my life I am truly "on my own"(let's not forget about God, my angels, fairies and loved ones). In fact yesterday I was on the phone with my dad and looked over at the car next to me and a statue of a fairy kneeling in light green clothing was looking right at me the statue wasn't facing forward but right at me! The Universe is showing me signs and is infusing my knowing with my faith, there has never been anything more profound in my life than what has been coming to me in the past 6 months.

While in Phoenix(and a short trip to Sedona)I learned a lot about what is most important in life. This has all been developing since I left Illinois and I must say is coming along quite nicely and timely(I happen to like the timeframe things are working in too!). The Universe showed me in Sedona that if I don't clear my karma and let go of control I will sink further into darkness than I ever have. The dark may be seductive but once the light has been allowed control it's power, love, beauty and joy is irresistible! I vowed to never go back in my spiritual progress and I'm keeping that vow.

I know what I have to do, it is my greatest challenge yet and with it comes the greatest depth of gratitude, appreciation and acceptance. *Deep breath* Let's do this! =:)

Written: Grants Pass, Oregon

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Illinois: Reflection & Gratitude

My adventure begins! I realized today that I have to give thanks to the events of my life while I stayed in the state of Illinois for birthing me into the place I am now. I came out to Big Bear Lake to get started on my "Reinvention, Rebirth, Responsibility" campaign that I mentioned in late 2010. I have spent nearly 2 months in Big Bear and it has been a wonderful experience! Spending time with Roz has been the highlight of coming out here. She is a wonderful friend that has opened her home to me as well as being a listening ear and in many ways a mentor for my spiritual development. I am incredibly grateful for her presence in my life! I don't know if I would have been able to leave Illinois and step into the next phase of my spiritual path if she hadn't provided me with a place to stay and all of the wonderful insight and discussions we have shared around the fire every night. I cherish those experiences and will truly miss them. Leaving Big Bears mountains, beautiful lake, healing waters and positive energy isn't easy but leaving behind the good times I share with a loved one that has helped me develop in the ways that matter the most is the toughest reason to roll off this mountain. I am grateful.

However, on the topic of rolling off the mountain I get to head to Phoenix and see another loved one for a different type of spiritual adventure! I also feel a load of money heading my way as well. I am stoked about getting started in my van and seeing Sara down in the sun filled valley below.

My life is finally starting to look up and I know that may sound like a broken record but after 23 years of mostly negativity, it's nice to finally start feeling the positive side of life present in my day to day existence.

I am thankful and grateful for those people and places that have shown me love and that have put me through hell, without them I wouldn't have anyway to compare the feelings and grow from them.

Thank you Roz for taking me under your wing and into your home.

Thank you Big Bear for providing me with the chance to rest, regenerate and redirect myself.

Thank you Illinois for giving me 23 years of experience that had many wonderful moments(mostly just the people! lol ;P)and for not having mountains so I could venture out West to discover and fall in love with them!

I'd also like to thank myself for having the final decision making power and realizing that even amongst all of the assistance from Spirit and loved ones I have received over the years. I'm going to Phoenix with an open heart(and hopefully open mind depending on the mood ;) )to see what comes of it. I feel love intensification, financial abundance, creativity, learning and maybe a bit of heat.

Life is good. I am grateful.

Thank You...

....onward to ARIZONA! =:)

Written: Big Bear Lake, California 2011

Sunday, March 6, 2011

SoCal: Los Angeles to San Diego

What my trip to San D taught me was how comfortable I am in my OWN skin!

I reconfirmed to myself that I will spend 95% of my day in nature when and where applicable.

I reconfirmed that while cities may be nice they are all essentially the same.

I reconfirmed that the suburbs suck no matter where you are, some more than others though!

I caught up with a good ol' friend(whom I've now known for almost 3 years! WOW!)

While the beaches of SoCal are nice, they aren't quite as nice as the ones of NorCal where the population is a heck of a lot less.

I learned that my faith and belief in Spirit is stronger and greater than it ever has been due to a rather well put out challenging demonstration by an Atheist as well as further discussing spirituality with my close spiritual friend.

I learned that San Diego is an interesting area, it kind've feels like California with Florida sprinkled ontop.

Three more days folks. Three more days until I move into my van. It's finally starting to feel real!

Until next time...!

Written: Big Bear Lake, California 2011