Monday, February 7, 2011

Answering To A Higher Calling

Today I went with Roz to the INTEGRATRON in Landers, California. What a trip! When we arrived we were greeted by a guy who went by the nickname of "Tron". As soon as I introduced myself and told him my name was Zac he told me all the Zacs he has met are powerful and strong, he also told me he could tell I give a shit about what people think with my shirt and kind've guy.

That aside, I went into the Integratron and ascended up to the second floor, I laid in the room with other people on the floor and after a brief explanation of the history of the place Tron started the "Sound Bath" by working with the sound bowls in the room followed by some music, the whole experience took roughly an hour.

The thing I wanted to share the most in regards to this experience was the profound vision I had repeatedly while I laid there in relaxation, the profoundness of these visions were right up there with the one I had in Monument Valley regarding Sara and the one I had in Quartzsite regarding my nomadic van lifestyle, only this one was a bit different.

In these visions both Spiritual Leaders Jesus Christ and Buddha came to me in many colors holding hands while they spoke to me "Come with us, it's okay, come join us." This vision appeared a few times and I felt welcomed in love and peace. I immediately knew I was being called to walk on the path of light. The more I've let go of control and the more I've stepped into the light and have left my ears open to listen and my heart open to receive the more the universe has given me. I am thankful for my past and the things I have experienced and learned but I have started to ascend to a higher place on this mountain of life where I can see a lot clearer and I have been blessed with many gifts. I have a wonderful family and group of friends(one in the same really)that have been a blessing in my life. I have a wonderful friend that has taken me in here in Big Bear and have been sharing a wonderful time full of spiritual insight, jokes, love and laughter. I have recently re-established a strong and wonderful heart connection with some person I "randomly" ;) met at a gas station in South Dakota a few years ago and have found in that someone I connect with in ways I never have with anybody else and look forward to more of it. I have been given a sign that my days of living in a van are soon to come(I went and looked at my first one today, in fact!)and knowing that it's been something I felt I *have* to experience for at least a long extended period of time before I kick the bucket. I have been shown that I am powerful and creative in ways of photography and that abundance will follow as soon as I let it. Now I have been called upon by the Universe through the channel of two of it's most popular and powerful Ascended Masters, Jesus Christ and Buddha. I have lost much but have gained much more. I have wonderful friends and family that I love, an amazing Twin Flame connection on more levels than I can speak of that I can share and grow with, a lifestyle on the horizon that will enable me to travel anywhere I desire and do it in material(and therefore spiritual)simplicity, a passion for arts such as photography, writing, music, healing work and a love for nature that I can attract both spiritual and financial abundance from and now I also have an opportunity to serve and walk a path of light after walking for so long in the dark. It has taken a lot to come to this point and I look forward to wherever it takes me next. Every time I return to the Western United States I fall in love all over again..sometimes with life, sometimes with the mountains, sometimes with another person, sometimes with the knowing that I am on the right path and can move forward and BREATHE. This is the only place I've ever truly felt free. I worked for the darkness for so long that all I ended up with was having to learn the hard and graceless way and destroying everything I touched. I believe it's built character and has been a much needed process but now it's time to walk the path that helps me shine the most, to give to the Universe that gives so so so much to me in return...if it weren't for the Universe, I wouldn't even be here right now. Gratitude. <3


Written: Big Bear Lake, California 2011

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