Saturday, January 29, 2011

Coming Full Circle

Monument Valley Vision Quest Leads Back to Sedona in 2011!

When I did my big spiritual journey out West in 2008 I drove right past the Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park and didn't realize it. In 2009 when I was looking at places in the world I'd like to visit before I die Monument Valley stood tall and spoke loudly unlike any other place had done before since Sedona in 2008. For all of 2009 and 2010 I had wanted to visit Monument Valley with a burning urge inside of me. When I had started preparing to move in with my friend Roz out in California I realized that there was still that incredible urge to head to Monument Valley. I said to myself that no matter what, I would stop at Monument Valley come snow or shine, I'd even sacrifice seeing Sedona again in order to see it. Luckily, because of Monument Valley I was lead to Sedona yet again in 2011. My mother had given me this deck of "Earth Magic" Oracle Cards as a going away gift. In the weeks before leaving Joliet, Illinois to head to California I had asked the Universe to show me what I need to see and to send me what I need, each of the 3 times I pulled the Desert Vision Quest card which has a drawing of Monument Valley on it. I also had Monument Valley on my vision board that I decided to bring back in October-November 2010 and have manifested numerous things off of again already. I went to Monument Valley the first day and arrived at sundown and drove down to a hotel at the southern rim of the valley on a Navajo reservation in Kayenta, Arizona. I was laying in my hotel room debating weather or not I should go back to Monument Valley the next day and drive in the floor seeing as to how I was planning to head down to Flagstaff/Sedona and the Grand Canyon to hang out with a buddy I had met in South Dakota back in 2009, Sara. I asked the Universe again to be sent what I needed and surely enough, I pulled the Desert Vision Quest card again for the 4th time. No coincidences here people, nothing is random. I decided at that moment that I would return to Monument Valley and more than likely skip the Grand Canyon in order to get down to Sedona to hang out with Sara a bit more. The next day I drove back up to MV and headed into the red dirt floor where I took notice to a few signs, such as people from Australia popping up and meeting a teacher I started logically thinking to myself "maybe I'm meant to be a teacher? Maybe I'm supposed to go to Australia?" I wasn't sure. I decided to stop thinking and do what I've been doing for awhile now and ask to be shown what it was I was called to Monument Valley for and immediately I heard a voice tell me "Go to Sedona and see Sara." so of course since this was already in the plan I responded "I'm already going to do that! Why was I REALLY called here?" and again the voice said "Go to Sedona and see Sara.". This time I took it a bit more seriously, I closed my eyes and cleared my energy, meditated neutral thoughts as much as possible and asked once more "Why was I called to Monument Valley? Please send me a sign." and for the 3rd time I heard loud and clear "Go to Sedona and see Sara.". Just as the Monument Valley card came to me in threes along with some other things I had been asked to be shown in the past few months this message came to me for a 3rd and final time. I then knew it was time to return to a place I hadn't been since I lived there in 2008; Sedona. I also knew it was time to reunite with someone I had only briefly met in 2009 but couldn't explain their significance when I started on this new journey in 2011; Sara. Around the time I rolled into Flagstaff/Sedona I began to realize that a shift had been made, that I no longer had to be bound to the person I was back in Illinois, that I no longer had to carry the burdens of anger, rage, sadness, guilt, shame, insecurity, hurt or fear. I had what Wayne Dyer refers to as a "Quantum Moment" and in those moments I realized that I was on a new path and that I had met someone that I could grow with on this path, someone that I could learn a lot from but could also share my discoveries with as well. Since the Monument Valley/Sedona connection I have quickly learned that it's going to take courage to finish this transition, that I came up on this mountain in Big Bear, California not only to see what's next in the valleys below but to see what was next for me, where I wanted to go inside and where I was being called by Spirit. I have overcome many obstacles that have been placed in my path(both self-induced and from outside forces)and have more to face head on with courage. My horoscope tells me that "Change" is my middle name this year and that I should get used to it...Change can be scary and it's taken a lot of nerve for me to up and go 2000 miles away from the world, places and people I've known for 24 years but with courage and my arms wide open to the Universe and all of its blessings, I take my power back, I transform and begin a metamorphosis like no other that I've ever experienced before, I step into the light to become an Earth Angel for a world that is dying and drowning in darkness, I made a CHOICE to no longer serve that darkness. I confronted the things I needed to in order to get to this point where I can begin to walk a clean path. I can finally use all of the lessons I've learned and the teachings of the people I have encountered in the first part of my journey to my advantage and help heal myself and at the same time, the a song I heard for the first time in a pizzeria back in Joliet in November 2010 said...."Maybe it's time to change..". It certainly is.

Thank You.


Written: Big Bear Lake, California 2011

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