Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Dance is Over

It's amazing how abandoned and abused we can feel when we step on the path of light. In some ways it may seem like the darkness has such a grip that stepping out of it is an act of defiance that can only be compared to one person standing up to a tyranistic government fully equipped with machine guns and missiles, while you stand there with a stick and pocket knife. As the darkness of the ego dies, the light of the higher self is birthed and it's in those moments where time seems to freeze, you look back into your past with all it's regrets, mistakes, betrayals, victories, losses, suffering, redemption and then you look to your future praying and hoping that you will not repeat the same mistakes of the past, you will not be abandoned, betrayed or devastated as you once were but the only thing you know for sure is what lies ahead of you at this very moment, the present. The past is gone though it shows us just how far we've come and we can learn from it. The future gives us direction to move forward and blaze a new trail that no other has done so yet, in our own skin and our own way. It's the present though that is the gift where the past has been done and the future is still to be done. Somewhere inbetween our logic and intuitions quarrels with one another consciousness sneaks in again and says: "Remember before you are many choices but ultimately they will lead down one of only two paths. There is no room for riding the fence, each moment of each day you are to choose between doing what is right and doing what is evil. If you seek good it shall come through intuition, love, grace, truth and suffering. If you seek evil it shall come through ego, lust, trickery, deception and suffering. You will suffer either way, it is the key to growth in the light and it is the result of acting in the dark. Some of us are born in a loving and nurturing environment, others are born in negative and empty environments. Will you turn the other cheek or seek revenge? Will you live today for tomorrow or will you remain stuck in yesterday? No one is perfect nor are you supposed to be, will you transform your hardships and pain? Or will you feed them and let them reign? Remember, intention is only one side of the coin of balance, the other is action. Many people intend to walk in the light yet still serve the dark because they don't face evils most powerful weapon, fear. You may not always be ready to take fear head on but do not judge yourself, if you hold your intention and prepare your strike against fear, you will overcome. One of the biggest fears people have is for them a sad truth. Darkness does have the ability to physically take your life, it also has the power to influence others in your life through fear which can eventually lead to possession. The one thing is does not have the ability to do is take your power away once you realize your own power and you hold it in the light. It's all about holding and expanding your light into all dark corners. The thought that you have control is a deceptive seduction by the dark energy, the reality is you have CHOICE, but not control. Serve as a free soul in the light, or serve as a slave under the illusion of freedom in the dark. Either way you will serve. Most people will dance with the devil a few times in their life before they even learn how to dance. You will be tested, count on it and there will be times you may feel alone, lost, beaten down, abandoned, used and abused and you may yet again dance with the devil even after vowing to not do so anymore and you will continue in this cycle until you move back into the light and call it in to help you. Eventually, the devil will have his arms around you, pushing you to choose. At this moment you will realize that you didn't submit to him by choice because if you had he wouldn't have to hold you as tightly. He will look you in the eye and his gaze will reflect everything you fear, every lustful desire you have, every bit of temptation to take revenge, he will pull your weaknesses to see if he can get you to rage, he will promise you the most "wonderful" seductions that your darkest fantasies can dream of. Now, the moment of decision is upon you and you must remember you don't have control but you have the choice of free will. As he stares you dead in the eyes you may feel your deepest fear come to life as a choice needs to be made, it's in this very moment where the energy will shift and your allegiance will be sworn. If you want your power you must look him in the eyes and have faith that you will be guided out of his grasp but you must own your power! Speak to him and say "ENOUGH! You DO NOT own ME!!..and I DO NOT serve you!". Otherwise, submit in fear and you are his. Will you stand alone as a unique individual with the stick and pocket knife, knowing you may not survive but KNOWING you are FREE?..or will you put on the uniform of the underworld, ready your machine gun, load the missiles and attack the stick man knowing in your heart that you are not free?

At this time in your consciousness it doesn't matter what energy you served in the past before the moment of conscious decision, but it shall be known that after you have reached this point, there is no return. So, what's it gonna be?.."

I'd rather live one day as a lion than a lifetime as a sheep. I've been close to this moment before but today I looked the devil in the eyes and faced his demons that have been in me for so long and though scared, I spoke with conviction and my voice did not tremble: "You do not own me, you do not control me, I HAVE MY POWER!!!..and I'm taking my freedom!"

The devil then spoke to me: "You'll be back! I'll be waiting for you around every corner, every step of the way! I will NEVER let go!!!"

I stared into the blackness of his eyes as I listened to his evil words, there I stood tall in my conviction while the light began to yet again make it's presence known to me as I became surrounded by angels. I slowly backed off the dance floor surrounded by the light as the room darkened around him, he dare not step into the graces of the light. Before turning and walking out the door I looked him in the eyes one last time:

"....I already let go."

The dance is over.

-Zachary Hill (C) 2012

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