Thursday, January 19, 2012

Gratitudes & Questions

Sunrise. Sunset. The Moon. Mountains. The Desert. My Friends. My Family. My Love. Being Loved. Nature. California. Arizona. Colorado. Utah. Mom. Dad. Brother. Sister. The World. The Light. Healing. Holding. Embrace. Making Love. Eyes Locked Together. Holding Hands. Trees. Animals. Cats. Dogs. Energy. Rain. Snow. Sunshine. Clouds. Blue Skies. Stars. Science. The Universe. Spirit. Source. Soul. God. Food. Water. Shelter. Children. Parents. Husbands. Wives. Boyfriends. Girlfriends. Best Friends. Aunts. Uncles. Cousins. Facebook. Cell Phones. Computers. Dawn. Dusk. Day. Night. Pain. Change. Transformation. Life. Loss. Learning. Giving. Receiving. Travel. Country. Connection. Searching. Truth. Liberty. Freedom. Love...

...These are just a few things myself and many others have gratitude for, these things bring large amounts of joy or opportunities for ascension and growing transformation. In some form or another, these things bring the meaning of life to us each and every day. So, if this list isn't nearly complete and yet everything on it is something to be grateful for and to have deep reverence for then it brings some questions to mind...

...Why is it so hard for us to be grateful? Why do many of us prioritize greed and material gain? Why do we feel alone in the world so often? Why do we tolerate the few that abuse and suppress the majority, yet we refuse to tolerate our next door neighbor?...

Most of all..

..What are we waiting for?? Seek the Truth with Love and Live right NOW!

Because NOW is all we have!! RISE UP!!


-Zachary Hill 2012(C)

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