Monday, October 13, 2014

The Sedona Factor: Embracing the Psychic & Spiritual Strength

A few things have become clear since my return to the Verde Valley 2 weeks ago, some of these things were suspected since spring and more so since summer, but have now been confirmed.

This morning it was laid upon me that I wouldn't 'be allowed' to leave Sedona until I fully embrace my gifts, both the psychic ones and my writing gifts. In other words, this is where I belong for the time being and it's the best environment for my spiritual growth at this time. Over the years I've used my intuition countless times, 'On the Backroads' was driven mostly by intuition(and sometimes ego when I'd get frustrated with the Creator)and it has lead me back to the place where this adventure had first started, more interestingly it has led me back here at a time where my main spiritual mentor is living here as well...I know, I know...this whole thing is a coincidence right? Believe what you will.

What about free will to leave? Yeah, I technically can leave Sedona and go anywhere else I want, I'm bound by nothing. The one complication with that would be not only do I love it here, but the higher authority wants me here. I have been seeking the highest path for myself and cleaning up so much of my life during the last 6 years that it was in my highest good to run hard on the road for so long, now its time to sit back and enjoy Sedona and whatever comes to me while I'm here. There is a higher authority as well as a lower authority and I choose to focus my intentions and energy on the best frequency for my spiritual growth(the higher authority) and therefore this makes a path that is less traveled and also more challenging to walk. Almost everything I've done in the last 6-7 years has been driven by the interest in becoming the best version of myself that I can be, and that version is impossible and incomplete without submitting to the will of the Universe.

I know many people don't like the idea that they are not in control of what their life will bring and that they can only influence it through focusing their intention and acting on it, but it is a scientific fact measured by physics, a science that has been disputed over the years yet has yet to be shaken by its challengers that we are submissive to a greater force that is all encompassing and really controls everything. I'm one of those people who doesn't really like the idea of this truth, my ego wants to control every single thing that happens to me, when all it really gets to control is what direction I will go and how I will roll with life's sunny days and thunderstorms. I ran hard on the road for years because it was where I was supposed to be, and now I'm supposed to be in Sedona for a while and I'm good with is taking a little bit of time to adjust admittedly.

I have been inquiring to the Universe when I would be able to travel again, and if I would be able to do so again, not literally cause I do get to control that, but when/if it will be in my benefit to travel again. I received an answer this morning upon waking up..

I'm addicted to travel like an addict on heroin, only difference is travel is an elixir of life in many ways, whereas heroin really serves no higher self. The common theme they share is the addiction and the burn out that happens when you can no longer reach the high from the addiction alone. In other words, if I want to travel freely again where it will feel great again I have to do it the Creators way, just like I did for 6 years with On the Backroads, which isn't to say that was always fun and free, it was often stifling and painful as hell, but it was what I was supposed to be doing to clean the wounds out to heal and allow my new higher energy to flourish.

Sedona is the transition period between who I was born as and who I am to become. Once I'm in tune with my gifts, strengths and powers I will be allowed to travel again where I will enjoy it AND be able to be of service to humanity at the same time. The time for self discovery via the road is over, it's time to embrace the power within and 'go to school' here where the red rocks rise. The reward is a better life for me and therefore I can pay that forward to others...also the possibility to enjoy the road in a whole new way like I never had before.

In the mean time, I'm happy to be here, it's going to take some time to adjust and finish purging the last chapter via many outlets, including the writing of On the Backroads.

Gratitude <3 br="">

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


In the darkness of my life I heard the call from a thousand miles away. She spoke to me " its okay, come out and play." I had never met her, but the power of her spoken name sent chills down my spine. I left my life in the city for her not knowing what she would offer.

She offered me a chance at everything I've ever wanted, and everything I deserve: Love, compassion, forgiveness, freedom, faith, friendship, family, healing, happiness, and health.

I found it natural to only desire her after our first meeting, and she let me search myself as deeply as I needed.

Over the years I've been called to others, I fall in love again and again, but she's my first love and in many way the strongest most powerful.

This never ending road has called me to a life of variety in which its intoxication has given my spirit 100% sobriety.

Though, somehow I always return to her...often alone, at times with human partners, few times with friends to share in her magic.

If it wasn't for her I would still be completely in the dark, lost and far away from the Creator energy of the Universe. Every road that I have taken since I first came to her has led me back, and it's because of her love that I kept going down new roads.

She gave me what I imagine a mother's love to be. What a life partners intimacy is meant to be, and the freeing truth of a best friends honesty. She gave me the elixir of life, which is love through light. She's taught me to accept nothing less... she set me free live my life.

I pray to be blessed to return to her again and again, but if this should be my last time with her, I've already been blessed for the rest of my life.

I Love Sedona.