Saturday, November 16, 2013

New Beginnings, New Direction

           Sometimes I forget how much I've experienced since the changes that started in my life in 2007/2008. I forget about an entire moment or place I've been on the road, until it hits me by looking at a photograph, then it's almost as if I'm able to go back in time and remember it like it was yesterday.

The choice has always been mine to put another mile under my feet(or wheels), but I often take for granted the simple fact that there would be no where to step(or drive)if the Universe wasn't there to provide. Feeling deep gratitude to that fact.

This transitional phase I'm in now is more complex than the others, it's darker, it's less certain, it's more challenging and it's less revealing..for now. I suppose that's what it looks like as you ascend upward and forward down the road of life. One thing I'm underestimating in this time of change is myself, and my uncertainty as to what my soul wants to create for myself and also to navigate intuitively to what I need as my world turns. I've gotten better at problem-solving, my flash-light is much bigger, my optimism(while challenged)becomes more rock solid as I look back at all that I've overcome, every mile within myself and every mile on that road these last 6 years. My eyes are older, but my vision is sharper. My spirit is reconnecting with my inner child and the wisdom that has helped me heal and evolve is taking form within that child.

I turn the key one more time on one of the many ignitions I've started over the years and head down the road just a bit further.

What lies ahead for me? It's not clear. What do I hope to find around the next curve? I have some ideas, but I'm not concrete on anything as of right now.

A few things I've learned both before my nomadic days and since I've been vagabonding:

~I have a simple yet inspiring story to share in my travels during the "On The Backroads" era. Seek, explore, find and heal yourself. Do what your heart and soul desires, even if it means defying the odds and especially if it means staying outside the box. Let the rest of the shit fall where it may.

~Question EVERYTHING! Seek the truth and your personal truth!

~Traveling(and life in general)is much sweeter with a soulful connection and a suitable life partner.

~Expand the territory within the soul and mind. Many miles in the United States has taught me to think global instead of only thinking local, both for my future travel endeavors and my new life direction in general.

Most importantly at this moment..

I have no overpowering sense of direction right now, I'm ok with the fact that I'm absolutely terrified...but hey..fuck it, I've only got one life to live, and no matter what happens, it's not like I'm going to get out alive anyways!

Much love! :)